62% Of Vietnamese Workers Prefer Hybrid Setup, Survey Reveals | Vietcetera
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Sep 14, 2023

62% Of Vietnamese Workers Prefer Hybrid Setup, Survey Reveals

Only 15% of the respondents like to work in an office, according to The Sentry and Decision Lab’s The Future of Work report.
62% Of Vietnamese Workers Prefer Hybrid Setup, Survey Reveals

In essence, hybrid setup is a blend of in-office and remote work that gives employees the independence to decide what works best for them on any given day. | Source: Shutterstock

By definition, a hybrid work setup is a flexible arrangement where employees get to choose to work in the office or remotely. This approach allows individuals to pick when and where they work based on their preferences and needs. In essence, it’s a blend of in-office and remote work that gives employees the independence to decide what works best for them on any given day.

For Khoa, a 26-year-old graphic designer at a global tech firm, “hybrid work setup is the perfect fit.” Having the option to work from home gives him the creative space he needs to focus on design projects without distractions. But at the same time, it remains important for him to be able to go to the office, especially for collaborative projects where real-time feedback matters.

“My agency has embraced a flexible approach when the rest of the world did, and I’m glad they decided to keep it this way,” he said. “It’s refreshing to have the freedom to choose where I work depending on the task at hand, and it’s definitely increased my job satisfaction.”

First-time mom Mai also prefers the freedom to work from home 2-3 times weekly. Mai has been working in the marketing industry for the past eight years. She transitioned to a hybrid work setup in her current role as a marketing manager at a tech startup about a year ago.

“I’ve found the hybrid work setup to be a game-changer for me,” said Mai. “I have a young child, and being able to work from home a few days a week has been a blessing.” To her, it’s not just about the convenience; she also noticed that she’s more productive at home because of fewer interruptions.

On the days she’s in the office, Mai “appreciates the face-to-face collaboration and the creative energy that comes from being around my colleagues. Overall, it’s struck a great balance between work and personal life.”

For the new breed of workforce, fresh graduates like Lily find the hybrid setup suits her lifestyle. The Saigon-born junior software developer landed her first job at a startup specializing in mobile app development. She has been part of a hybrid work setup since joining the company six months ago.

“It’s allowed me to continue my learning and development while having some control over my work environment,” she told Vietcetera. “The best part is that I don’t have to deal with rush-hour traffic daily. It’s a huge stress relief. I can start my workday without feeling exhausted from commuting.”

Although the hybrid setup saves her from commuting stress, she doesn’t want to be stuck at home working for the whole week. “I also value the days I spend in the office for team meetings and collaborative coding sessions. It’s a good mix, and I appreciate the flexibility as I continue to grow in my career.”

It’s not only true in Vietnam. According to an analysis published by Forbes in July of this year, companies with remote or hybrid work policies are not only accommodating employees like Lily, who appreciate the flexibility and freedom from daily commutes, but also experiencing a notable hiring trend. These companies are recruiting new talent at a rate nearly double that of businesses insisting on a full-time in-office model.

This indicates a broader global trend where companies with flexible work arrangements are finding success in attracting and retaining talent, aligning with the changing needs and preferences of the modern workforce.

Source: The Sentry / Facebook

Employees in Vietnam prefer to work hybrid, study confirms

A recent study called “The Future of Work” by The Sentry and Decision Lab uncovered interesting insights about how people in Vietnam want to work. The research focused on what drives employees’ workplace choices, which can help businesses adapt to changing preferences.

The study found that most Vietnamese employees prefer a hybrid work setup, with 62% of respondents saying they like a mix of office and remote work. This shows that flexibility is important to many workers. Only 15% preferred to work only in the office, while 14% were comfortable working from anywhere, whether at home or the office.

Interestingly, 9% of respondents wanted to work remotely all the time and didn’t want to go to the office.

The survey collected data on July 26, 2023, from a diverse group of respondents. About 49% were male, and 51% were female. Generations were represented with 43% from Gen Z, 50% from Gen Y, and 8% from Gen X. The respondents were equally split between Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (50% each).

They came from various job sectors, with 14% in technology, 12% in education, 11% in manufacturing, 9% in retail, 9% in construction, 6% in financial services, 6% in health services, 6% in accounting, and 4% in communication roles.

These findings provide a clear view of how work preferences are changing in Vietnam. Businesses will need to adapt to this shift in the way people — like Khoi, Mai, and Lily — want to work.

Source: Shutterstock

Gen Z still favors ‘Learning new skills’ when starting a new job

In the same report by The Sentry and Decision Lab, they’ve also looked at new things about what younger folks want in their jobs. This report looked at two groups: Gen Z (born from 1997 to 2003) and Gen Y (born from 1981 to 1996), as they start or switch new jobs.

Notably, these findings align with a trend observed in the “Gen Z and the Workplace in Vietnam” report published by Decision Lab and Dreamplex in 2021, which indicated that for the youngest generation in the workforce, “it’s not about the money” instead, they value opportunities for personal growth and development.

The report highlights the following key drivers for Gen Z when considering a workplace:

  • Learning opportunities - 48%
  • Company culture - 44%
  • Professional development - 43%
  • Clear career roadmap - 40%
  • Income and benefits - 39%

In contrast, Gen Y, the slightly older generation, continues to prioritize income and benefits as their top consideration, with a significant 50%. Other factors that matter to Gen Y include a positive company culture (47%), learning opportunities (44%), and professional development (42%). It’s noteworthy that Gen Y also places importance on having a good leader or manager, coming in at 39%.

Understanding these generational distinctions is crucial for organizations aiming to attract and retain the right talent in an ever-evolving job market.