Vietnam Tops The List As The Safest Asian Destination For 2024, Says Report | Vietcetera
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Jan 08, 2024

Vietnam Tops The List As The Safest Asian Destination For 2024, Says Report

Looking for your next travel destination in 2024? Vietnam should be at the top of your list, and here’s why!
Vietnam Tops The List As The Safest Asian Destination For 2024, Says Report

Vietnam’s reputation as a safe haven for tourists stems from its low crime rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries. | Source: Shutterstock

Gone are the days when Vietnam was synonymous with war and unrest. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable transformation in this Southeast Asian jewel, earning it the well-deserved title of “The Rising Star of Southeast Asia” and the recognition as the safest country in Asia, per Gallup’s 2023 Global Law and Order Index.

With an impressive score of 92 out of 100, Vietnam stands tall as the top-ranking Asian country and seventh globally. Indonesia also secures a spot in the top 10 with a solid 90 points. Interestingly, the majority of countries on the list are European, underscoring Vietnam’s exceptional safety track record.

Gallup’s Law and Order Index relies on four key questions to gauge people’s feelings about personal security. Over 146,000 respondents from 140 countries participated, covering confidence in the local police force, comfort when walking alone at night, experiences of theft in the past year, and encounters with assault or mugging.

With an impressive score of 92 out of 100, Vietnam stands tall as the top-ranking Asian country and seventh globally. | Source: Gallup

Vietnam’s reputation as a safe haven for tourists stems from its low crime rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries. In the 2023 Global Peace Index, it climbed to the 41st position out of 163 countries and territories, marking a noteworthy improvement from the previous year.

While violent crime targeting tourists is a rarity, petty theft, including pickpocketing and bag snatching, remains a concern, particularly in crowded areas and on public transport.

The country’s stable political environment adds an extra layer of safety for visitors. Vietnamese people, known for their hospitality, create a warm and inviting atmosphere for foreigners. Unlike many other regions, Vietnam has not witnessed significant terrorist incidents in recent years, further contributing to a perceived sense of safety.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that no country is entirely risk-free. Travelers should remain vigilant against petty theft, especially in crowded areas. Adhering to common travel safety precautions, such as securing valuables and avoiding displaying expensive items openly, can significantly mitigate risks.

Navigating Vietnamese traffic, especially in major cities, can be a bit chaotic. Crossing streets requires caution due to the bustling presence of motorcycles and other vehicles.

Tourists may encounter scams, such as inflated prices or fake goods. To tackle these challenges, thorough research on reputable businesses and exercising caution with strangers is key.

Additionally, travelers should be mindful of potential health risks, such as foodborne illnesses or mosquito-borne diseases, and take necessary precautions, including vaccinations and practicing safe food and water habits.

Vietnam stands out as a generally secure travel destination. By incorporating basic travel safety measures and staying aware, you can enhance your experience, ensuring a safe and enjoyable visit to this unique Asian getaway.